"...Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, and Eternity in an hour..." -
William Blake
Issue 15. January 2003.
A Symposium of
Articles Pertaining to DXM Use
(c)2002 Jeffrey
Email at [email protected]
Official Zine Web Site at http://www.dextroverse.org/~zine
Edited by gravol, with article contributions by
fellow DXMers.
Edited in HTML by xganon and PDF by
Staff writer Cliff Anderson - [email protected]
Staff writer Kid - [email protected]
writer James Clayton Roberts - [email protected]
Staff writer Matthew Wiebe - [email protected]
authors of this zine do not condone the use of dextromethorphan in any way. This
text is simply used as an informative guide to issues relating to
dextromethorphan use and should be used for entertainment purposes only. We are
not responsible for any actions taken by anyone reading this text.
WARNING: While the authors of this zine do
not condone the use of dextromethorphan in any way, a strict warning also is
warranted here regarding the dangers of Coricidin Cough & Cold. Each year,
hospitalizations increase from the abuse of this product. While it may not be as
deadly as once thought, we urge you to avoid Coricidin Cough & Cold
altogether because of complications resulting from the secondary active
ingredient, chlorpheniramine maleate.
1 From the Editor
2 Announcements
3 Letters to the
4 DXM in the Media
5 DXM and Bending the Laws
of Probability
6 DXM and Near-Death Experiences
Combining DXM with Lecithin
8 DXM and Delusional States - the
"Tesseract" DXM Entity
9 Blast from the Past: The "Jesustussin" DXM
Entity and the First DXM Baby
10 The Future of Psychedelic Drugs in
the 21st Century
11 Fear and Loathing on DXM
12 Trip Report: Looking Out from My Corpse
13 Staying
Healthy with "Smart Drugs"
14 Personal Story: My Son's Coma, and an
Exclusive Interview
15 Two Theories on the Origin and Kinetics of
Closed-Eye Visuals
16 The First DXM Novel - Chapter Two
17 Smoking DXM - A Myth or Reality?
18 Hoodoo Robitussin
19 A Complete Listing of 24 DXM-Related Deaths
20 DXM Fact Sheet - A Synopsis of DXM
21 DXM in Science
22 Tales from the Dark Side
23 DXM Poetry &
24 DXM Music & Movie Reviews
25 DXM
Products new!
26 Info on Ordering Pure DXM Powder
27 Acknowledgements/Zine Information
There are many new and exciting things in this issue. It is, after all, the five-year anniversary of the publication of the first DXM Zine. First of all, we are now using a different word processing program to compile this publication. This makes for a better flow of information, graphics, and content. We are also in the process of converting all back issues to PDF, by request of our subscribers, to make viewing this publication a lot easier.
There are quite a few things going on in the world of DXM - the iodo-DXM synthesis should be forthcoming; the upcoming article highlighting DXM use in Trip; new staff writers that will bring many new perspectives to the zine; more interviews with leading figures in the DXM community and others who we feel have something to say; and much, much more.
This is also an exciting time to be apart of both this zine and the DXM community, because we are on the forefront of an exciting new revolution of psychedelic awareness. As DXM continues to grow in popularity, you will find more media coverage about it, more references to it in music and television, and users of all different types of ethnic backgrounds, ages, and beliefs.
So, without taking up anymore of your time, I'll let you get off to reading
what we've compiled for you in this issue. Enjoy!
St Augustine, FL
December 13th, 2002
by gravol
We will now be
publishing the Zine on a bi-monthly (once every two months) basis. I have
started back at my old employer so I don't have as much time to dedicate to
editing the Zine as I used to. However, any article or contribution sent in will
be saved for the next consecutive issue. You will also find a wider range of
topics and articles to read, since each Zine will now have 2 months worth of
material to bring your way. Hope you enjoy!
by gravol
The Zine is
upgrading to a more graphic-friendly environment. At our website, you can view
the Zine in either HTML, text, or download the PDF version. We have strived to
meet our subscribers' demands after reading many of your suggestions, and will
continue to do so. You may also notice graphical format of the Zine has changed
slightly; this is due to an upgrade in word processors so you, the reader, will
have a better way of viewing our content. Enjoy!
compiled by gravol
DXM Research Project is still in its beginning stages. So far, VaeSolis from the
Dextroverse has been able to raise over $4000, but the project is very slow to
take birth - so please be very patient, and we will update you with any new
information. Also look for a future interview with Dr. J.M. Olney by VaeSolis.
If you have any com ments or questions regarding his project you can contact him
through this zine.
There are
other projects going on as well. James Clayton Roberts will be synthesizing the
first known DXM derivative - iodo-DXM. He is doing his own
research and will continue to make updates in subsequent issues. All research is
patented by Mr. Roberts. With the advent of iodo-DXM, we are
confident it will yield a new chapter in DXM history, and will continue to keep
you informed on the progress of the project.
Trip magazine is an almost-quarterly journal
celebrating the ongoing evolution of psychedelic subculture. In an upcoming
issue they will be highlighting the growing popularity of DXM. The Editor of
The DXM Zine did a brief interview with James Kent, one of the staff
writers at Trip, and this zine's URL should be included in the article,
according to Kent. That means an increase in subscribers to this publication and
reflects the growing trend of increasing DXM interest - use is up 117%
nationally between 2000 and 2001, which appears to be the fastest growing
recreational drug, even surpassing XTC use if the current numbers hold up (XTC
use has actually been decreasing as of late). So we encourage you to check your
local newsstand or Barnes & Nobles and pick up a copy, or subscribe
today at their website: http://www.tripzine.com. The
article is still undergoing editorial revision, according to Kent, and should
appear in January's issue.
"In Germany the DXM of choice is
Ratiopharm Hustenstiller. These come with pure DXM and are about 5 EURO
for 600 mg (One package)... Sorry for my poor English, I feel a bit wasted and
typing seems not too easy...Just wanted to say that I really like your DXM
Zine, although I hardly do DXM these days. Last dose was nearly a year ago.
But I'm looking forward for my next 3p experience. In Germany, most people call
DXM Dr. Rentschlers though most people now take Ratiopharm
Hustenstiller. It's the best because it comes in pure form and can easily
be swallowed." - Hobbes
"I would
like to start of by thanking you for being one of the few people out on the net
that actually has done a lot to further true and solid information about the
good and bad sides of DXM." - Torrie M.
"Great zine, I got the link from a post of yours on ADP [Usenet's
alt.drugs.psychedelics], tons of great information in your writing. Keep it
up..." - Lucid
"The DXM
Zine was great, looking forward to the Anniversary Issue!" - J.
"Yes, Jeff---A most interesting
and complex zine! I am 68 years old! I have wide interest in whatever, but the
old 'bod probably wouldn't be able to handle any of your 'prescriptions'". -
compiled by gravol
In the movie Dumb & Dumber, a depressed Lloyd and
Harry go back to their apartment and Lloyd asks for the rest of their money so
they can go buy some necessities. After Harry hands him some crumpled up bills,
Lloyd continues, "What's cheaper, Thunderbird or Night Train?"
"Get Robitussin - it's a better buzz," replied Harry.
In past issues we've touched on quite a few TV shows that
have had DXM references: Everybody Loves Raymond; Third Rock from the Sun;
Grounded for Life; Simpsons; Montel Williams; along with several movies
with either OTC cough syrup or DXM references: Sixth Sense; Requiem for a
Dream; Princess Diaries; and a short film dedicated to DXM use: Use As
Directed. But that is only the tip of the proverbial iceberg, so if you
have seen anything DXM-related in either film or television we urge you to write
us about it.
compiled by gravol
The musical group BAAL has an
entire album dedicated to DXM use. The following six tracks was taken from the
Dextromethorphan album, located at http://unholydeath.henderco.com/photo5.html:
BAAL-Dextromethorphan CD
1. Walking Liquid
2. sdREaM
Inner-neural Compression
4. Xenotropic Eye
5. The
Fifth Plateau
6. Still Alive
material explores the haunting psychosis and extra-dimensional aspects of the
drug DXM. These tracks range from hypnotic dark ambience to noise soundscapes.
Four tracks from this release will appear on the LP in vastly different mixes.
The companion Cd DPT will NOT be opened to any edition beyond the 13 that were
made. For 'those in the know' something extra will be included!"
compiled by gravol, rfgdxm, void, SeaOfCheese The
map to the left shows all known locations where DXM has appeared in the
newspaper recently, whether it be a report outlining current abuse trends, or a
death. This is not meant to be an accurate depiction of actual abuse trends
because of various unknown factors, but provides a glimpse into the areas where
the media is drawing attention to DXM abuse. The deaths, however, which are
listed in red, are very accurate, but does not necessarily reflect trends of DXM
abuse in those areas.
DXM Use Increases 117% Nationwide. In just one year the
calls to poison control centers across the nationwide skyrocketed by 117% to
over 2,000, with Coricidin exposure totaling over 400 cases (20% of total DXM
calls). Not since XTC use started to skyrocket has the nation seen such a large
epidemic of DXM use. The actual number is hard to pinpoint since people who
actually call poison control is only a fraction of all DXM users - perhaps even
less than half-a-percentage point or far less.
Two Ohio Coricidin/morphine Deaths. Two teenagers in
the Columbus, Ohio, area are dead after combining Coricidin with morphine, which
is a Schedule-II narcotic and dangerous in itself. It is unclear at this time
how much of a role the Coricidin played in their deaths, except that they were
using it recreationally in combination with a recreational dose of morphine.
Since morphine is a respiratory depressant, combining it with the antihistamine
found in Coricidin could be potentially lethal - so it remains unclear if the
DXM itself played a significant role or not in their deaths, which are
unrelated. Local police believe the Coricidin-morphine combo could be a new and
deadly trend hitting that area. It should also be noted that Ohio is the leading
state in DXM abuse. http://nbc4columbus.com/.
Bizarre DXM Shooting. In the Atlantic City area of NJ
an extremely bizarre incident took place in which a man broke into a security
guard's home seeking medical attention while intoxicated on DXM and was shot.
Michael Cahill believed he had been poisoned after being fed 18 tablets of
Coricidin CC. "In what likely was a drug-induced psychotic breakdown, Cahill
clawed at his face, howled, rolled on the ground, drank milk and bolted from the
Tuckerton house before help could arrive around 4:30 a.m. He ran and desperately
beat on doors, seeking help he never received." He then broke into Eric Howley's
house and was shot after Howley feared for his life. Howley also accidentally
shot and killed his own mother in the ensuing mayhem, and Cahill, who has a long
history of mental illness, may be charged with her death. http://www.pressofatlanticcity.com/news/ocean/100402howey_1004.html.
Minnesota DXM Epidemic. Within 3
years DXM use has skyrocketed in the Twin Cities area by a 6200%
increase. Although abuse of cough syrup dates to more than 30 years ago,
Falkowski saw its revival on the drug scene in the late 1990s during her surveys
of students and interviews with counselors. It even led one University of
Minnesota sophomore to commit suicide in 1998 by taking a lethal dose of an
extracted powder form of DXM, her family says. .
Two Hospitalized, One Charged. Two Butler Area School
District (Pittsburgh) students have been released from Children's Hospital of
Pittsburgh after taking capsules containing a concentration of a cough
suppressant. The student who provided the capsules containing dextromethorphan,
or DXM, was taken into custody and charged in Butler county juvenile court with
aggravated assault and recklessly endangering another person, police said. The
suspect's name is not being released because of his age. http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/tribune-review/tribnorth/s_97418.html.
Bizarre Abuse Episode in Iowa. A
city-wide Des Moines warning comes after emergency crews responded to drug
overdose calls twice in as many days at the same house. The first call came to a
metro house Friday afternoon. Rescue crews took four people between the ages of
seventeen and twenty to the hospital. Police say they all took about forty pills
each of Coricidin, which is a cough medicine, and marijuana. Rescue crews were
called there again Saturday night, when one of the boys overdosed again. http://www.woi-tv.com/Global/story.asp?S=1007956&nav=1LFXCJgF.
Coricidin in California. During the
past several weeks, the Mammoth Lakes Police Department (MLPD) has investigated
several cases involving the abuse and theft of over-the-counter cough and cold
medications. According to the MLPD's investigation, these medications are being
used by young people who are not sick but who are instead looking for a new way
to get high. http://www.mammothtimes.com/times2002/ColdMedsAbused11-14.html.
Indiana Takes Steps Against DXM Use.
Some Indiana pharmacies have taken a popular cold remedy off the
shelves and placed it behind the counter or inside locked cabinets after
authorities warned the medication is being abused. Police are concerned that
Coricidin HBP Cold and Cough is becoming popular as a recreational drug,
particularly among teens. http://www.myinky.com/ecp/home/article/0,1626,ECP_775_1462740,00.html.
compiled by gravol Dextromethorphan (DXM), a substance used as a cough suppressant
since the early sixties, is being increasingly misused in Switzerland, mainly by
adolescents. Dextromethorphan formulations are readily available in drug stores.
Additionally, pills containing much larger doses of DXM can be found on the
street ("green triangle", for example). This trend is reflected by a clear
increase of DXM-related calls to the Swiss Toxicological Information Centre (see
The severity of DXM poisoning is dose-dependent but still varies
considerably. A genetic polymorphism (CYP2D6), present in approximately ten
percent of the caucasian population (so-called poor metabolizers), may explain
why some patients develop severe symptoms at doses which lead to only minor
symptoms in others. http://www.toxi.ch/eng/news_957184695_28669.html.
Exclusive by gravol There are many new and exciting things on the horizon in the land
of DXM. One can only imagine what the possibilities would be if we could somehow
tap into our collective unconscious, or better yet, bend the laws of
probability. Time and time again, people who use DXM have reported such
revelations as being within their grasp, and I, personally, have experienced a
great deal of it.
The road to tomorrow is at today's doorstep, and we must take a strong foothold of it. That is why this zine is currently in the planning stage of conducting some exciting experiments that have to do with ESP, pK, and other paranormal phenomena. It has long been suspected, and even given credence to by William White, that DXM may have the ability to alter the laws of probability and connect us with a greater collective consciousness. I usually do not test these perceived ideologies, because I have great respect for the mystical state and believe such things can't be proven - after all, if they could, what would be the use of living?
However, I feel that some exciting things may occur if we get a group of people who use DXM together, in a controlled setting; things that would make oneself scratch their head in disbelief, as if it weren't happening. That is usually the way it goes when you're on a DXM trip and such phenomena occur. But the advantage we'll have is the fact that these experiments are taking place over the Internet. That opens the deluge of being able to record such events, capture them on tape, or other possibilities that we would not have otherwise.
The experiments themselves will deal with many facets of parapsychology. For
instance, we will conduct experiments involving several people concentrating on
a color or theme and having one designated person try to visualize it, rotating,
so everybody gets a chance to test their own ability. There will also be
experiments involving collective concentration to try to manipulate an object
or element such as fire, which for instance, would take the form of a candle.
Automatic writing and channeling may be attempted in yet other experiments.
While not scientific in nature, we are simply opening up the doors to the
unknown; the impossible, for which many of you already steadfastly believe, and
with the ushering of these new experiments hopefully interest others into
testing their limits and opening up the doors of perception, if not all the way,
then just a creak. For it is better to catch a glimpse into something than to
never have tried.
Apart from the upcoming
experiments, many people have written in with their own experiences, theories,
and other strange claims. We will now take a look at some of these tantalizing experiences.
DXM SUPER POWERS In the 1980's we heard a media blitz over reports of
people on PCP testing their physical limits to the extreme. DXM, being similar
in effects to other dissociatives, may also carry on some of those traits. While
they may not be "super" powers per se, they are possibly improvements in
everyday life.
One user reports improved hand-eye coordination, which helps him do better in video games, and is pretty remarkable considering that at the same time he is unable to complete a sentence or stand up for long periods without getting dizzy. Another user claims that DXM afterglow gave him increased physical strength and an upbeat attitude in which he'd run to school without any exhaustion.
But one of the most amazing stories of all is about a young man who would go on DXM binges for 2 weeks straight with no breaks. He claims to have learned how to kickflip a skateboard in less than an hour (he had never touched a skateboard in his life), and do complex mathematics and writing, much "like a robot."
He underwent an amazing change in those 2 weeks that he did DXM. He was normally popular with the girls, but in that 2 week period they seemed to gravitate toward him. A once quiet "semi-depressed" person was coming out of his shell and people assumed that he had evolved beyond his depression and quietness, and they were right. You will meet him a bit later on, in an upcoming article.
For me, personally, DXM has given me an advantage to drawing. I can steady my
hand without feeling my pulse, thus drawing a straighter line. It also relaxes
me and puts me in the right state of mind to do hundreds of hours of meticulous
work. Even though this may not be deemed as a "super" power, it certainly is
quite an advantage.
There have been reports surfacing of people experiencing a "light"
either behind them or around them while using DXM. One user reports it to be an
enlightening experience and that it seemed to be coming from behind him. Another
user writes "It usually seems to be of a brilliantly bright purple-white when it hits me full on, and more of a
greenish color when it seems less near to me."
He goes on to say "I usually have the sensation of moving when I see this light, sort of like vertigo but less sickening. Sort of exhilarating actually..."
Whether this is the same light that people who have near-death experiences
(NDEs) see, remains to be seen. There are many interesting tales of envisioning
or actually experiencing a light that is bright and beautiful, and surrounds
them. Some people actually pass into it and experience even more intense beauty
and enlightenment that flows throughout the body. It is a common belief that if
you actually enter the light you will die, but many people have entered it and
returned, only to write entire books about their experience, which only lasted a
matter of seconds. We will explore this phenomenon closer in this issue with the
article on DXM and NDEs.
Increasing numbers of individuals are reporting strange phenomena
involving 11:11 - as seen on digital clocks, phone numbers, addresses, VCR
timers, dates, etc. This phenomenon is not directly linked to DXM because
millions experience this and do not use any drugs at all; however, an increasing
number of individuals who use DXM are reporting strange occurrences in the land
of coincidence. Several websites, forums, and reports have been written on it.
In fact, there is so much information that an entire book could be written. The
symbology of 11:11 typically represents "Remembrance
Day" or the act of remembering, or becoming lucid, in this life and
realizing the current state of things. Many people will go through their entire
life sleepwalking and never be clued into a greater reality, and this is for a
reason. However, for those who see and experience 11:11 and similar
coincidences, they should not ignore it.
After first reporting this phenomenon on Usenet's alt.drugs.psychedelics message board, a lot of weird things started happening with people who frequent that group. One user writes "Returning to my small hometown of Laytonville, California this morning at exactly 11:11 AM (it was on my cars clock), I noticed that the new sign for our towns population was 1111."
Another frequent poster wrote "Wow...that's freaky. Wanna know something really weird? My best friend's dad was pronounced dead at 11:11 am (years ago) and now every time he seems to look at the clock it says 11:11. I've caught myself doing it too and I relate it to the story he told me."
Even the smallest of things can spur a sense of unreality: "Jesus Christ!" wrote one person, "Just ordered some DXM online - when I got the order confirmation email it was time stamped 11:11!"
Things can even become intense: "My girlfriend and I have been seeing 11:11 on
the digital clocks in the car, bedroom, kitchen, etc... at some of the most
freakishly coincidental moments. Like when we've been talking in a park and get
back in the car to glance at the clock for the time and see 11:11. Like talking
in bed at night and then deciding to go to sleep and as I reach over to turn out
the lamp the clock reads 11:11. I seriously can not
count the number of times this shit has happened over the last 3 years!"
The experience can be so profound that people often write about it in journals: "This is the start of a journal entry (of mine) from December 22, 1999 ...'Over the last three days or so, I've looked at the clock to find it showing 11:11 -- I think once was in the car in the AM. Different places: car, office, bedroom maybe... such that last night, upon seeing it, I thought to myself that it was getting a tad weird.'"
These reports only scratch the surface of the weird phenomena surrounding
11:11. It should be interesting to note that DXM users report a higher incidence
of coincidences involving 11:11 than all other people, but keep in mind that
11:11 wasn't dreamed up by some DXM user, nor is it affiliated with DXM. If
you'd like further information on 11:11 or if you yourself start experiencing
strange occurrences, we highly recommend you taking advantage of many of the
available resources on the web that deal directly with this phenomenon.
There are many things that users
of DXM report that seem extraordinary - whether it is improved physical or
mental functions or the bending of the laws of probability - it is all very
real. What we hope to do in the future is to shed more light on DXM and
coincidence, by conducting the experiments which will deal directly with that
issue. Many people who report such things do not use hallucinogens - but it is
the hypothesis of this zine that DXM actually increases paranormal activity and
coincidence and only time will tell if this hypothesis is correct.
Exclusive by gravol
article will closely examine DXM and its role in the near-death experience
(NDE). There are many complicated aspects between the role of DXM and NDEs. But
first we will examine the true nature of NDEs and what occurs during one.
NDEs occur when a person nearly
dies, whether as a result of an illness, during surgery, after a heart attack or an accident, or during the use and over-use of certain
drugs. NDEs have basic features in common. The details may differ, but in
different countries and in people of different racial and ethnnic groups there
are similar features. The shared core is extraordinary. Probably more than 75%
of people who nearly die report NDEs. The NDE has long been alluded to by
philosophers, shamans, and mystics.
According to Professor Cedric Mims, who authored the book When We Die, NDEs can be distinguished by five stages:
At stage 5 there appears to be some sort of barrier and to go beyond it would mean that the person would permanently cross over, but there are some enlightening experiences from people who claim to have crossed over and experienced things beyond their comprehension. According to these people, we all existed before birth, in a more perfect place than this world, and will return their some day.
I have often held similar views, and still use the following analogy, which is based on knowledge learned from NDE survivors - that nothing on this earth is perfect, for instance you can't even draw a perfect circle since pi is infinite. However, every newborn human being strives for perfection - a concept that can't exist in this realm, and people shouldn't be able to comprehend it - but they can, which tells me we came from a state of perfection and will return there someday. After such experiences it is not in the least bit surprising to see how it can provide an immense sense of hope and enlightenment.
Some people report physical details (which may indeed be attributed to the
out-of-body experience itself and astral projection) and a world of amazing
beauty, convinced this was the afterlife, and may be resentful at being brought
back from it.
According to Mims, the NDE is a "true experience rather than a dream or a hallucination. The person sees and feels it all with great clarity, not as if they were in a semi-conscious state. It has a profound effect. After recovery, these people often have a reduced fear of death, and are more loving and compassionate." Having experienced such a state, some people may even fall into a deep depression after being brought back which may last for years afterward. A few even develop powers of extra-sensory perception (telepathy, clairvoyance), presumably triggered by the NDE.
There are even negative NDEs which can occur, and involves fear, panic,
helplessness, intense loneliness, and mental anguish. Whether on the edge of
some great abyss or another dark and gloomy
atmosphere, there is a sense of true evil and anguish.
One of the first studies of NDEs was undertaken in the
nineteenth century by a Swiss geologist and mountaineer, Professor Albert Heim.
He had a few nearly fatal falls, and he collected accounts from other people who
had been in mountain-climbing accidents. In 1982 Michael Sabom, a cardiologist
at Emory University School of Medicine, published interviews with 116 NDE
survivors. He believed that for every phenomenon there was an explanation, and
concluded from his study that there was no satisfactory medical explanation for
NDEs. Cardiologists, because of their experiences with heart attacks and
resuscitation, are well placed to study NDEs, and in 1978 another cardiologist,
Maruice Rawlings, described bad NDEs, in which the patient was terrified,
convinced he had been on a visit to hell.
NDEs were set on a sounder scientific basis when George Gallup, with the
resources of the Gallup Poll Organization, using rigorous methods for sampling
and analysis, found that NDEs were not all that uncommon. About 1 percent were
'hell-like' and many were neutral, in other words not especially good, bad, or
memorable; and some survivors from near-death episodes reported no NDE. Others
clearly superimposed their own personal beliefs and images on to the NDE,
reporting visions of dead relatives, Christ, or guardian
angels. The phenomena are not dissimilar to those experienced by
Christian mystics, yogis, and other holy men, as described in The Cloud of
Unknowing, a book written by a great English mystic who lived at the time
of Chaucer. These experiences included wonder, awe, a sensation of light,
communication with a god or a cosmic consciousness, becoming part of a greater
whole, and they were often brought on by meditation and the control of
breathing, which is very similar to what some individuals experience on DXM.
PHYSIOLOGICAL POINT OF VIEW One could suggest that NDEs are a result of cerebral anoxia, when
the higher brain centers are starved of oxygen. As the circulation to the brain
begins to fail, a number of extra things happen and cause the NDE. It is a
matter of chemicals and nerve cells. This seems reasonable and many physicians
might think that the question needs no further discussion. Anoxia is known to
cause weird experiences even when life is not threatened. Take for instance,
nitrous oxide, which depletes the brain of oxygen. This alone would cause
interesting results, not even taking into consideration the euphoria from the
gas itself.
An alternative explanation is that NDEs are due to mild brain 'seizures,' in which over-activity of the temporal lobe (the part under the temple) of the cerebral cortex causes the characteristic experiences. It is well known that abnormal activity of the temporal lobe cause hallucinations and out-of-body experiences (OBEs).
In cases where actual injury has taken place and the situation is life-threatening, production of endorphins, which are
pain-relieving, calming substances, plays a vital role. These are endogenous
(produced from within), morphine-like chemicals, and they are formed in certain
parts of the brain in many types of stress, including long-distance running and
maybe also during acupuncture. They alter sensory awareness and make you feel
able to handle the situation. Could the detached awareness of the NDE be based
on these responses?
mystics and yogis tell us that you do not have to come close to death to
experience a NDE. We know that by meditation you can cut off sensory messages to
the brain, and this could cause a loss of the sense of reality and other
effects. It is important to note here that DXM itself does not necessarily
produce NDEs themselves, let alone can NDEs be expected when taking DXM.
However, DXM may prove to be the perfect catalyst, besides a physical brush with
death, for a NDE to occur.
Let's take a look at DXM NDEs and how they may compareor differ with other NDEs. For instance, DXM by itself can bring about a stage of peace and a sense of well-being. It can also cause a feeling of separation from the body, which sometimes results in true OBEs (the feeling of floating that people report on DXM should not be confused with a true OBE) - however the OBE factor only occurs in half of the cases reported in typical NDEs, so the OBE, or lack thereof, is not necessarily indicative to the NDE.
DXM is also linked to stage 3, the sense of entering the darkness, including going down a dark tunnel. Some people report tunnel-like CEVs which involve an extreme sense of rushing down the tunnel, and this may be in fact related to the same tunnel that is so frequently reported by people who have NDEs. CEVs in general should not be confused, however, with the NDE landscape - they are more related to chemicals in the brain (the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which the release of may be inhibited by the chemical in Coricidin). Some people do report tunnel-like CEVs shortly before a true NDE, so the CEV aspect of it should not be totally ignored. The one problem in tying the two together is that people often report a greater than normal sense of reality. This in effect rules out all the effects of DXM as being NDE-like. However, as mentioned above, DXM may lead to a NDE, especially in high doses.
As far as seeing the light is concerned, many people who use DXM report
seeing a light (see DXM & Bending the Laws of Probability). Cases
like these might create a new theory on DXM and NDES:
DXM may not typically create a NDE in the classical sense, but may
bring its users closer to death and the concept of an afterlife without actually
threatening their life, per se.
For instance,
many, but not all aspects of true NDEs may be experienced on DXM, without a
full-blown experience of seeing the light or stepping into it. Perhaps these are
the same or similar of the experiences of people using meditation. Since the NDE
is a true experience rather than a dream or hallucination, it is
important to not get certain experiences on DXM, no matter how significant they
are, confused with a true NDE. Just like with meditation, however, it appears possible to use DXM to
scratch the surface of NDEs and death.
DXM brings you closer to earth elements - a fireplace and a blazing fire may
appear to be very cozy, almost as if you are drawn to its presence. Similar
experiences have been reported on the beach at twilight, watching the waves rush
in, or just the feeling of floating on air. One possible theory on why this
natural attraction occurs is because we are drawn closer to death by using DXM,
but without the threat of truly dying. In a way it is temporary enlightenment
and can be used as a great spiritual tool for those who wish to transcend the
normal depths of reality and follow their curiosity to greater realms. This may
also explain the increased ability of ESP, telepathy, and clairvoyance. Such
things are common when one is close to the realm of death.
There is yet too much to learn to come to a clear explanation as to why DXM
not only appears to bring about side effects of NDEs, but also increase the
occurrence of true NDEs in users. Perhaps with the future of DXM derivatives
like iodo-DXM, we may grasp a clearer understanding of not only death, but how
the universe operates, and with any luck, reach a state of true enlightenment
and cleanse the doors of perception once and for all.
Exclusive by gravol and Staff writer Matthew Wiebe
[[email protected]]
Lately there is much interest in the DXM community concerning the use of lecithin and nootropics (smart drugs). In this issue we will address lecithin itself, as I have done some experimentation with it myself and noticed not only improved concentration and memory (even after marijuana use), but also increased euphoria and CEVs.
But first, we will address the issue of What is lecithin? According to Serge Kreutz, of Cockatoo Press, lecithin is many things:
"Lecithin is a component of a number of foods, and it is widely attributed with certain positive effects on one's health. Many of the positive effects of lecithin consumption are based on the fact that lecithin is a major source of choline. Choline is a lipotropic substance which functions in the body's metabolism as an agent that aids in the digestion of fats. It is believed that choline helps the body to burn fat, and thereby acts as agent supporting weight loss. As choline increases fat metabolism it has been shown that it lowers blood cholesterol. As is commonly known, a wide range of health problems are connected to blood cholesterol levels deemed too high. High blood cholesterol leads to a congestion of blood vessels and therefore is often an important factor in heart attacks and strokes."
As it supports fat metabolism and has been shown to aid in bringing down high blood cholesterol levels, lecithin can be considered a food component that protects against heart attack and stroke.
Choline also is a part of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. A sufficient intake of choline, primarily via the consumption of lecithin, is believed to have a positive effect on some mental functions, especially those connected to memory.
Besides being a food emulsifier, lecithin also affects acetylcholine levels, which you just read. We recently broke a story in a previous issue that acetylcholine is highly linked to the occurrence of CEVs. Many people report experiencing CEVs just from taking anticholinergics like Benadryl, though that combination with DXM can be dangerous. Basically, we've had to rely on other methods and means to achieve CEVs. But besides promoting CEVs, lecithin has many other benefits, as we will now address.
Lecithin to Boost Memory
After taking 6 grams of lecithin,
and then taking DXM and later smoking marijuana, I noticed such a remarkable
effect in memory and concentration that I was literally stunned. I could focus
my attention on things and actually analyze them to the fullest extent of my
intellect; I could remember things that I had just seen or thought minutes
before - which up until then had been next to impossible when I was this
intoxicated; my thoughts were connected instead of sporadic - I could continue
to think about the same idea or concept - even after unfocusing my mind and
paying attention to something else. These are all things we can do while sober,
but DXM greatly impairs short-term memory. Marijuana can be just as bad, though
it was originally used in the Far East to increase memory.
Many of you will presume that there must be a price to pay as far as the effects of the DXM or marijuana are concerned. Actually, lecithin does not take away any negative part of the DXM experience. The euphoria is still there, along with all of the other interesting effects. It really does not have much of an effect on the buzz; just your memory, concentration, and overall mental performance. And I could only imagine taking lecithin by itself in preparation for exams and studying.
So, many more will ask, Is it safe to mix with DXM? Apparently so. William White, who authored the DXM FAQ, states the following about lecithin and other nootropics in combination with DXM, in section 13.10:
A few regular users of dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE), around 800 mg per day, have reported that the regular use of DMAE prevents a lot of the memory and cognitive problems associated with DXM use, while still leaving the rest of its interesting effects. One user also reported that lecithin prevented some of the confusion associated with DXM.
A similar effect has been reported for piracetam. See also information on use of nootropics to limit hangover in section 6.1.7.
So, as you can see, William White
does not see any problems or contraindications in mixing lecithin with DXM. But
you must remember that William White is also not a licensed medical
professional, and neither am I. As far as I can see, however, this combination
is not only safe but very effective.
Next, you may ask, Where can I get lecithin? What form do I use? You can find lecithin at almost any grocery store, in the supplements section. Most stores carry gelcaps, but granule form is said to pack much more of a punch.
The next obvious question is How much do I take? Can I overdose on it? I'd personally start off with the recommended dose, one 1200 mg capsule. However, one user reports that after taking 6 times that amount, he not only experienced massive CEVs but also an OBE, and the OBE occurred from just the lecithin itself - not the combination with DXM. As far as overdosing on lecithin, I experienced no adverse effects from eating 5 times the recommended dose, though it was a little harder to fall asleep. I wouldn't venture above 7 grams, simply because we don't know what high doses of it can do with DXM and other drugs.
Lecithin to Increase Euphoria
After taking 6 grams of lecithin,
taking DXM, and smoking marijuana, I experienced profound euphoria and little
adverse effects from the marijuana. I usually get a tired, exhausted feeling an
hour or two after smoking marijuana, and this culminates in slight headaches and
restlessness. This may be due to the fact that I'm smoking the marijuana after a
comedown of DXM, but even if I smoke it without taking any other substances, I
still experience some discomfort and side effects with marijuana.
After doing 6 grams of lecithin, however, I experienced no side effects from the marijuana other than intense euphoria. My entire Third Eye region was warm and my entire head was ablaze with an incredible rush of euphoria, to say the least.
Lecithin for Lucid Dreaming
This is quite a remarkable substance when it comes to dreams and dreaming. All my dreams are much more vivid and clear, being easier to remember. I have yet to have a fully lucid dream on lecithin but it's only been a couple of days. Lecithin+DXM should be great for meditation and self-hypnosis as well.
Lecithin to Induce OBEs
Matthew Wiebe, a DXM Zine Staff Writer,
noted that after taking 7.2 grams and going to sleep, he experienced a vivid
lucid dream that involved possible astral projection. He was in control
of his environment, the dream scenery was very vivid (more so than a typical
dream), and the sensation of flying, or floating, was very real.
I've had similar dreams myself, usually hours after falling asleep. They are quite vivid and real. While I do not believe they are traditional OBEs, I do believe one or more of your astral bodies may be on astral planes, which would explain the flying sensations which seem as real as flying in an airplane or riding a rollercoaster. However, I'm not disputing the fact that lecithin itself can produce traditional OBEs - so if you are interested in lucid dreaming and OBEs, I'd highly recommend looking into this substance.
Lecithin to Increase CEVs
I have experienced quite an increase in CEVs after using lecithin and DXM, but they are still not as well defined as they are with anticholinergics or naringin (grapefruit juice). It is definitely not recommended that you take anticholinergics in combination with DXM, for safety reasons. However, I could clearly see the outlines of CEVs - most of them were swirly in nature and I saw several funnel clouds and ghostlike shapes flying around.
The following story is a trip report from Staff Writer Wiebe, following an ingestion of 7.2 grams of lecithin and DXM (708 mg):
Well, to begin this story, I'd like to give a little bit of my background. I was fairly inexperienced with any form of drugs in high school (with the exception of drinking alcohol and a few joints among some friends of mine), and I pretty much kept in the straight and narrow. After I graduated from high school, however, I felt the need to experiment with some psychedelics. For what reason, I'm not really sure. Curiosity, more than likely.
I heard about DXM from a friend of mine on the Internet. I had wanted to try LSD, instead but someone told me DXM was more fun (at least from his personal experience). I wondered where I could acquire this aforementioned drug, and he told me that I could locate it in the medicine section of my local pharmacy. He also gave me the address of a very good FAQ so I could research it -- as well as keep from killing myself by downing a bottle or two of Nyquil.
I was a little apprehensive at first. I noticed all the warnings about 'brain damage' and 'kidney failure', which although rare, still frightened me. However, after reading through the entire FAQ, I found that you could do this drug safely, without falling prey to the DXM boogie man. So I resolved to try it.
I went to the local Big Bear and bought a 4 oz bottle of Robitussin Maximum Strength. I didn't want to go too high on my first trip, so I only drank 2 ounces (which was 177 mg... consistent with a low second plateau dose). I was so anxious that I was practically bouncing around the room in a childlike giddiness. However, after about 30 minutes, I was noticing no real effects. I was very disappointed. So I decided to go out for a drive. While I was driving, I noticed a slight nausea, and discovered it was very pleasurable to yawn. However, driving was making me sick so I resolved to find some place to stop. It was a clear night, so I decided to drive out to a local lake and lie out under the stars.
Once I had arrived at the lake, I began playing some music from my tape deck. I was amazed! It sounded glorious! Every note seemed to reverberate through me, and it seemed to have a hidden dimension that was now revealed to me. I must have sat there listening to music for a good 3 hours. I had a profoundly decent experience, as well as a drunken-stoned-like buzz in general. The next morning, I was in an excellent mood, probably better than I ever had been. Life seemed to have a new profound meaning to it.
I eventually discussed this
experience with a few of my friends, and finally persuaded them to try it with
me. We took a couple of trips (I didn't increase my dosage very greatly), spacing each trip by at least a
week. We all had a blast. I would almost go as far as to say that it forged a
new bond between a few of my friends and myself. They thanked me for telling
them about this drug, since they had only gone as far as alcohol and marijuana.
Well, to get to my profound and inspiring trip, I'll skip ahead to the 5th time I tried it. I had purchased a container of Robitussin Honey Cough (the other flavors seemed to make me very nauseous now, but I could stand the taste of Honey Cough). I asked if my friends were up to tripping with me, but they declined, and said they had plans to drink that night. I told them it was ok, but that I wanted to trip anyway.
With some reluctance, I managed to chug that 4 oz bottle of Honey Cough (10 mg per 5 ml, making 4 ounces roughly 236 mg of DXM). I decided that it wouldn't be as much fun to just do a second plateau trip if no one else was doing it, so I said that I was going to go pick up some more HC. I drove to the store and returned with two more bottles. This took about 10 minutes, at which time I noticed I was beginning to get a little nauseous. I made the mistake of *running* from my car back to the house -- and realizing I left the bottles in my car, I *ran* back to the car, grabbed them, and *ran* back to the house again. All this exertion made me horribly nauseous, and I almost puked. If not for a swig of Pepto Bismol and some intense will power, I probably would have spilled my guts. But I managed to hold it in.
I came back in, and noticed I had reached the first plateau. My friends, who were drinking inside, saw the bottles and asked 'You're not going to drink all that, are you?'. I told them I had no intention of drinking both bottles, just one more, and the other would be for anyone else who was up for some.
After about 15 to 20 minutes of
light conversation, I hit the second plateau, and said that I might want to take
another bottle. My friends said I should probably wait, since I was still kind
of nauseous (and they didn't want my lunch revisited on their nice carpet).
After maybe another 5 minutes, everyone who was drinking starting talking about
going to a party a few blocks away. I told them I couldn't go, because moving
around would make me sick to my stomach. They agreed and decided to go without
After they all left, I went into the bathroom and poured the next bottle of Honey Cough into a drinking mug, and chugged the entire thing (increasing my dosage to 472 mg of DXM, which is about 7.8 mg/kg). I came back out, and was nauseous again, but not as badly this time. The general sick feeling went away after about 2 minutes this time.
I felt totally wasted. But in a good way. Two of my friends (one who lives there, and his girlfriend) came back in to keep an eye on me. Actually, I think they came back to make out, but they *told* me they would keep an eye on me. It seemed like they were gone for about 10 minutes, but they told me they had just went into the hallway for about 3 minutes. They conversed with me for a good while during the trip, although I don't recall much of the actual conversation. I gave my friend the other bottle, and told him to use his discretion (intoxicated as it may be) of whether to allow me to consume it. I think I began to enter the transition stage a few minutes later.
[After this point, I am unable to timestamp any of the events, due to DXM's memory encoding nature]
We had a strobe light going, and any time it would flash, there would be these 'big black dots' right in front of my eyes. I laughed about it and perceived them as my pupils. It was unusual however, because they would not always move with my line of sight. They were more or less stationary, unless I *really* re-adjusted my vision. They eventually went away, after I stopped looking at the light. I think this was simply my loss of stereoscopic vision.
At some point, I decided that I wanted to consume the rest of the remaining bottle. My friend advised me against it, and told me if I was determined, to at least just take half. So I took his advice, and drank another 2 ounces of the syrup (putting my dosage to 590 mg, which is about 9.7 mg/kg). However, a few minutes later, and behind my friend's back, I drank the rest of the syrup (putting me at 11.7 mg/kg). This was when I really started tripping.
I was utterly fascinated with the actions of my friends, as well as my own hands. They seemed so foreign to me, and looked so unusual and useless (as far as tools go). I don't remember much of what I said, and I'm told most of it was gibberish. I was still sitting up, so I decided to lie down.
Then the hallucinations started.
Hallucinations were vague and
transparent in manner. If I re-adjusted my vision, it would 'phase in' and
trigger a mild hallucination, usually if there was little or no light in the
direction I was looking. I would see into walls, and see things hanging on them
that weren't actually there. Most of the time, they were highly detailed, and I
felt that if only my eyes would focus, I could get some meaning out of them. It
never really happened. I felt somewhat angry at my eyes because they couldn't
focus on anything. To give you an idea of the kind of hallucinations that
occurred, you can do this little trick. Take a camera with a flash bulb into a
totally dark room. Now, looking straight ahead, take a picture with the flash
on. The flash will reveal all the furniture and stuff in the room, which will be
very bright at first, but will then fade into very detailed pictures of the
objects. This is the picture burned into your retinas. However, in my
hallucinations, the images would be totally arbitrary pieces of furniture and
other objects, as well as imagined images, which had no way of getting into my
retinas. This was somewhat concerning, but I realized I was tripping, so I had
fun and went along with it.
If I had both eyes open, I found
it very difficult to hallucinate from all the sensory input, since my
stereoscopic vision was totally gone (e.g. seeing double). I would occasionally
close one eye, which would boost me into a totally vivid yet non-spatial
hallucination which would be dissolved slowly when I opened my other eye. I
could merge with reality, but only if I moved from my current location. The more
I stayed in one place, the more I hallucinated and transformed the environment.
At some point, I noticed that I now had the ability to concentrate thought
enough to change mysurroundings, totally fooling my senses into thinking I was somewhere I was not. I
began staring at the wall across from me. I noticed how the paneling (although I
didn't know it was paneling at the time) was in the shape of a window, so I
thought it must actually be a window instead of a wall. Just then, the white
wall slowly faded into a blackish-blue night sky color, and I could see billions
of stars out beyond the now-transformed wall. I resolved that if the only thing
I could see from this window were the stars, that I must be somewhere very high
up in the night sky. Then I felt as if I was seated at the top of a very tall
clear-window elevator. The perception of it seemed absolutely realistic, and the
entire room seemed to be equally transformed to this delusion. At some point, my
friend (who was lying on a bed directly in front of the wall) had shifted
position, causing the illusion to be distorted in a manner I couldn't exactly
call visual. It caused me to decide to snap out of the hallucination, and to
tell him what I had seen. However, I only managed to blurt out 'Whoa, I just had
a major hallucination.'
Across the room from me was a
digital clock. I don't really think I noticed the clock at first, but eventually
I began hallucinating in a most fascinating manner. I had my eyes closed (or at
least, I perceived it as having my eyes closed) and I was having mild
hallucinations which were very dark (not evil, just not well illuminated).
Eventually, I would notice these detailed red entities, which could best be
described as 'electronic dogs'. They were red neon outlines of pixellated dogs, which would roll
around and just generally 'frolic' with each other. After awhile, I tried to
focus my non-responsive eyes in on them, in order to determine what kind of
creatures they were. To my surprise, they suddenly melted into one another, and
turned into the current time. The time then floated back to where it's normal
position was, and the entire room faded back into focus. I would shut my eyes
again, only to have the same process repeated. I imagine this was my loss of
stereoscopic vision for the most part; but some of the motions that these images
acted out would indicate my eyes were doing complete rotations in my eye
Occasionally, when one of my friends would say something, I would be totally unaware that they had even spoken at all, if it hadn't have been for their mouth moving. Generally this applied only to one word responses -- if they were to spit out an entire sentence I would understand what they said for the most part.
At some point, I needed to take a piss, so I went into the bathroom. Avoiding the evil mirror, I made my way (very slowly) over to the toilet, and started going. I looked over to the shower, which was dark. After a couple of seconds it phased out and looked like someone was in it, and that the shower was actually a medium sized room. The illusion of a person standing behind the curtain seemed so realistic, I recall trying to speak to it, thinking it was one of my drunken friends playing a trick on me. I thought this only because I saw the curtain move. However, after I was done, I swatted at the curtain and saw that there was nothing there. So I went back into the room.
I recall thinking about both sex and murder. Both seemed very very curious for me, and the punishment for committing murder seemed totally frightening when compared to the crime. Time seemed ten-fold more important than life, and serving such a long period of time without freedom seemed utterly terrifying, when compared to the absolute freedom granted by death. This thought scared me intensely, because I thought it had turned me psychotic or something. Don't get me wrong -- It's not like I wanted to grab a knife and butcher my friends. Murder was still totally revolting, but for different reasons -- now it just didn't make any sense. I thought a good deal about suicide as well. Again, I didn't want to commit it, but I truly looked at it and thought about it. It felt as if it were a way to escape the hidden trivialities of life; the aspects that our brains conceal from us with every waking moment. This thought was very frightening (at least in retrospect) and I decided to stop thinking about such things. I recall some talk of sex, and it seemed totally arbitrary to me. I just 'didn't get it' for some reason. I also recall that I had virtually no sex drive at the time.
When, sometime during the night, I moved to the living room, I noticed that while staring at the carpet, it would take on different properties. At first it was just a basic rug. But after staring at it for a few seconds, it would seem to be covered with a 'purplish' electricity field, and would then convert to a different texture. At first, it turned into some broken and jagged bricks, and after about 15 seconds, it went back to normal. Then it became encapsulated in the electricity field and became the carpet from my room at home. This illusion lasted for what seemed like about 10 minutes. When I asked my friend if his carpet had any textures on it, he said that it didn't. That eventually broke the hallucination and I decided to travel back to the previous room.
In the room, we had a small tape
deck which was playing Metallica. I find great comfort in music while DXM
tripping, because it tends to tie me to reality, as well as being more
interesting than usual. However, music became less of a sensory input and more
of a 'decoration' while I was at this stage. It's hard to explain. At some
point, I recall stating that the music was like 'a poster on the wall'. It was
totally one-dimensional and flat. It seemed as if it couldn't get very far from
the speaker that was emitting it, without falling to the ground. This was very
fascinating, and I found great delight upon realizing this.
I decided to go to sleep. It felt like it had been about 2 days since I first started. When I closed my eyes, I was still hallucinating. This didn't bother me, however -- I was having a blast. Suddenly, right in the middle of some other hallucination, I noticed I was able to separate myself from my body, and was truly able to view myself from the third person. This was extremely disturbing, since I have never looked in on myself from the outside before. Whenever I touched my face, my legs, or my arms, they felt alien and unusual. My skin felt as if it was not my own. I noticed that pain was totally gone in the form I had known, and was more of a signal from my body than a hurtful force. My friend advised me not to test this by hurting myself, and I took his advice.
I forget when, but I eventually fell asleep. When I woke up about 8 hours later, I was still tripping. I couldn't see very straight, and I still felt heavily intoxicated. It was now 12 noon on Sunday, and I had begun tripping on 9 PM Saturday! My pupils were practically the size of my entire eyeball, my skin was a flushed pale white, and I was totally spent. I had a hard time moving around without looking like a character from 'The Night of the Living Dead'. However, I resolved that I had to get home to rest up. Against better judgement, I bid farewell to my friends, and went to my car.
The drive home was frightening. Never drive under the influence of DXM (or under the influence of anything, for that matter). The landscape seemed to come up to greet me, and I felt like I was going about 2 miles per hour, despite that the speedometer said I was going 55. Finally, I got home, and crawled into bed. I watched a few movies (that I still can't remember), and slept for another 5 hours or so. When I got up, I was still slightly buzzed, and decided to sleep the rest of the night. When I got up the next day, I was totally re-energized, and felt as if I was on top of the world.
To tell you the truth, I had one of the greatest times of my life on this trip. But I wouldn't recommend it for a first trip. It would be easy to think you're dying if you're not prepared. I felt very enlightened from this experience, and had a fine afterglow for the next couple of days.
All in all, I would say that I love DXM, but not to the point of addiction. It's a great psychedelic, and I'm glad that I tried it, and feel wiser after having tried it.
Clearly, you can see how Mr. Wiebe had increased CEVs after
taking lecithin and DXM. If you have similar experiences, please email them to
me and I will publish them for others to see, as this is an ongoing
by Tak Loufer [[email protected]]
[Editor's Note: This case is very similar
to the Jesustussin case that we first reported on in Issue 8, and is every bit
as strange.]
Well, it all started during the winter of 2000, when I was out of college for a few weeks, and I only worked about one day a week. I had already been using DXM for about a year and a half (dexing about every week or so), and with all the extra time on my hands, I knew I could afford to dex more.
During this period of about a month (mid December - mid January) on a daily basis I was pretty much either dexing on a 3rd or 4th plateau dose, recovering from my last trip, or buying more tussin. Even at work I was sort of fucked up and incoherent (of course, Blockbuster Video doesn't require all one's marbles anyway)
There was one experience where I was on a 1.5 g's and I was
lying on my bed. I was on the 4th
plateau, and no longer felt connection to my body. I had a
feeling that I was meeting someone, and was this person at the same time. The
description I could come up with to describe him was "multi-dimensional
square." As this square, I knew all and was all
There was only one soul, and this One Soul was all people. Hitler,
Me, Gandhi, you...all one soul playing different roles. It is the equivalent of
a small boy playing G.I. Joe. He moves the "good" guys, and "role-plays" them,
then the "bad guys." There are concepts and emotions attached to these plastic
figures (in our case, carbon), but they are all control and played by the same
person. The boy is Sergeant Slaughter, the boy is Tomax and
Xamot...or at least he plays them.
The Square did/does that same thing. It assumes the role of all beings. In a true sense, we are all one. The Square is different from a traditional god, in that it didn't necessarily create the universe as it is everything. The Judao-Christian God may be omnipresent, but he is still recognized as a separate entity. The Square is everything. I don't think I can quite describe the omniscience and omnipotence that I had at that time. I was no longer Tak Loufer, I was the One Soul. I knew and was Tak, but I was everything else to. I hope this sort of conveys what the Square/The Tesseract was to me... In any case, after I had this experience, I had to share it with the good folks of The Third Plateau website. I gave my trip report, and they gave the Square the moniker, "Tesseract," which is a four-dimensional square. The name sort of stuck.
After this experience, and during my binge, I kept obsessing over the Tesseract. I felt a connection, I felt I was still in contact with the Tesseract, but the connection began to manifest itself in rather bizarre ways. While listening to AM static on the radio, I was convinced the Tesseract was using this frequency to broadcast thoughts into my mind.
And why not? The Tesseract is everything, and can do anything it wants.
While dexing or "sober" (sober as one can be during a binge), the Tesseract
communicated some interesting facts about the universe. Such as:
The Tesseract told me that there were two opposing forces in the
universe. Not good and evil, but more rather very similar yin and yang. These
two forces, both of the Tesseract, always exist, and always fight for dominance.
In this epoch, the two opposing forces take the roles of Communism and Americanism (not Democracy). Americanism is
sort of like Imperialism, and except more subtle. America doesn't do too much
conquering, but is a superpower by its global presence. Think of it as a slower
Impearialism. The Tesseract told me that these two forces would clash very soon,
and cause a Dark Age. The minions of Agharta would rise from the insides of the
Earth, and goblins, fairies and other creatures of legend and long ago would
feast on humans, and the Communist Chinese would use DXM-Technology to create
DXM Wormholes (DexHoles?) to transport troops to the U.S. I really
believed all this. As Dave Barry says...I am not making this up.
Even after the binge, the "transmissions" continued, but even when I wasn't
listening to static. I would be at my school (this was late January of '01 now),
and every little thing, whether it be over-hearing a conversation, seeing a
pattern on the wall...anything. I would interpret it as something sent by the
Tesseract. As you've probably noticed, the very nature of the Tesseract has
changed from what it was when I first encountered it. By this time my thoughts
were disorganized, and I was always forgetting things. I was literally relying
on my best friend to remember everything for me. It was rather embarrassing. I
began to think of that I was "chosen" by the Tesseract (who was sort of like a
traditional God by this time), and I would play an important part in the next
Age of Man.
Around early March/late February (?) I began to doubt the existence of the Tesseract. However, I wouldn't allow myself to really admit it. I talked with several people on The Third Plateau website, and, ironically, it was "god" (a t3p member) who finally convinced me that the Tesseract was destroying me and to stop listening to it. In time the voices and feeling of "transmissions" faded. It was an odd period in my life. For the first half of the Age of Tesseract, I felt a great oneness with a One Soul, who was all people and all things. But the initial feeling began to distort and feed upon it's self. The concept began to complicate itself, and in the end it drove me practically nuts. I'm just glad I had enough sense to keep the Tesseract to myself, mostly. I figured that the uninitiated wouldn't understand, and would think me crazy.
I still believe that the Tesseract is real, though I think only the first encounter was legit. The rest of it was DXM addled ramblings that fed onto themselves.
The Tesseract may have been the access to the "real" reality of the universe:
We are All One Soul. But the Hollow Earth and DXM-Technology was distorted
by Jesusface
[Editor's Note: This article ties in heavily with
the above article about "Tesseract" and DXM delusional states. It was also
written by allegedly the first baby conceived on DXM. As this may seem humurous
to say the least, DXM delusional states are anything but, and we urge caution
when interacting with any "mysterious forces" that claim to be in control of
your life and the universe.] I
do believe you have asked me a couple times to write something for the zine, so
here I am writing something. I could write a book about my experiences with DXM,
that's why I haven't written anything yet cause there is just too much to say.
First I'd like to say fuck you to all the kids in #DXM that yell at people for
being new to DXM. As far as I know I am the only DXM baby in existence. Yes, my
mother was addicted to DXM when she gave birth to me. So none of you are more
experienced than me. And you had to start doing it sometime.
Yes it is annoying to hear the same question over and over again but they need an answer, if you have ever taken advice from me on DXM use from the channel you are probably dead, or act like me (which is the plan).
I first did DXM around 3 or 4 years ago when I was in military school. I bought 2 boxes of Drixoral Cold and Cough and ate them. One box then I waited an hour didn't feel anything and ate a second box. All I can say about that is woo hoo. I didn't move and when I did I didn't know how I got there, and better yet I didn't even know what moving was. And for a week I shitted orange water that smelled like puke. After that experience I ate a box of Drixoral Saturday and Sunday for the remaining 3 months I was in military school. I loved it, needless to say.
Yes, I finally knew what good ol' Justin was talking about. Justin
was a kid I met in the first rehab I was forced to go to. He talked with slurred
speech, was constantly scratching his head and mumbling "nissut obor" all the
time. At the time I thought he was just weird. He didn't know DXM, he just knew
he was addicted to Tuscan DM. This was 4 or 5 years ago. Whenever he would talk
he would say "nissut obor" every 3 words or so. He
confided in me this was an attempt to subliminally put the thought of robo
tussin in your head. The funny thing about him was he put himself in rehab
unlike the rest of us, and his reasoning was to use DXM so he could pursue his
studies of magick.
So anyway after I got out of military school I found out that Drixoral wasn't being made anymore, and could only be found in hillbilly towns in Alabama where they hadn't sold all of their stock like the military school I went to. So I started to drink Tussin DM. I drank a bottle a day at first, then it moved to 2 then Kroger had a sale for buy 1 get one free. And I started going in everynight buying 4 bottles. I'd drink 2 before school and 2 later that night. The cool thing was I would wake up still fucked up and I could drink more and not have one minute sober for weeks.
Most people would say damn, why the fuck would you do DXM that much? Well, I
have one simple answer. Jesustussin. Yes Jesustussin. If you ever see me in #DXM
(jesusface) you probably have bitched at me for talking about Jesustussin. You
see I started talking to someone who you couldn't see after doing robo so much.
And even better they would talk back. At first I called him Nissut obor. He then
later revealed himself to me as Jesustussin. You may
think it sounds crazy but I swear im not the only person to have been chosen by
Jesustussin. My friends all made fun of me for it but one by one they all fell
victim to his spell. I realize now you have to break thru a couple plateaus or
whatever they are called to find him. He hides there. He only wants those who
are "in it to win it." All he would do is force me to go get more tussin so he
could still have control over me. He only has power if you invoke him.
Yes Jesustussin is a very, very evil entity. I would find myself arguing for days with him. Ok well I started to act different. My speech started to slur and I was constantly grabbing my head and scratching it. And I was finding myself trying to get other people addicted to tussin like myself. And if for some reason I didn't take my tussin for a couple of days I would still be the same. My neurotransmitters were soaked. This condition is called "DXMitis". Your neurotransmitters are saturated with the shit and it has an everlasting effect on you. . At the same time I was having grand delusions, which I wasn't aware weren't reality, of taking over the world. I thought myself to be a disciple of Jesustussin and he had chosen me to be the Messiah. The best delusion was I would get a group of people all addicted to tussin and we would go around in a huge robot mob and beat people down and force feed them tussin and Jesustussin would invoke them and they would be under my control. And when our numbers got big enough we would go take over a Robitussin factory and after that the world would follow soon. I swear I believed all of this. But you have to remember the state I was in.
After 4 or 5 months of drinking robo daily (I did miss days but it
didn't really matter due to DXMitis) I decided to quit. Everyone around me
thought it was a great idea, cause I wasnt a person anymore, I was a robot, a
robot with a world conquest obsession. I didn't talk much, I walked like a robot
and when I did talk I didn't make sense and found it hard to get words out
properly. My parents were in straight up denile. So I quit drinking robo and
started eating acid, cause I couldn't be sober. I hope you don't think I'm
bragging but I've probably eaten more acid than anyone you know. I was one of
those kids you hear about who eats fucking huge amounts of acid. Unless you saw me eat it, which a lot of people have
you won't believe the amounts. I am really lucky that I am normal again. Heh.
But after awhile I quit the heavy acid eating.
Some time after that I ended up buying some pure DXM. And I ate that a lot and it was fun. Then I bought 50 g of it with the intention of selling it. But of course, me, having a phat ass bag of DXM, I ate 30g of it in less than a month. The weird thing about it was I never really got a tolerance. I did however realize I could do anything on DXM.
One day at work (Wendy's) I ate a 500 mg pill of DXM an hour before my break. When my break finally came I ate another one cause the first hadn't kicked in yet. About 2 seconds after I swallowed the second pill the first kicked in (sound familiar?). For the next 5 hours at work I didn't move from one place and really couldn't see. I stood in front of the grill and made hamburgers. I know there is no way I could tell if the meat was cooked or not but no one seemed to notice. My manager commented that when I went on break my eyes were completely fine, but when I came back the were the redest eyes she's ever seen. Luckily she thought I was only stoned, but then again she is an alchoholic and came into work drunk every morning. That day I didn't drive cause my car was broken so my parents had to come and get me from work. When I walked out to their car I could barely walk straight, it was definitely the worse case of robo walk I've ever had.
We then went to dinner at Chili's and I was unable to speak and when I tried I didn't make sense. Not only that but my eyes were red and I fell asleep twice when we were eating. Yet my parents didn't seem to notice. Once again my parents were in denial. But then again I once ate 14 hits of acid and ate dinner and went to a movie with them and they didn't seem to notice. I sincerely believe that DXM makes you perform like a robot, and in that manner you do every thing perfect. I can drive fucking awsome on a gram of DXM. Robot perfection. I was the ultimate hamburger robot. Once again robot perfection.
Oh yea another funny thing about work was I'd go in every day on DXM and walk around making robot noises. When I had all that pure in my room a couple times I ate a gram and a half. Some people in #DXM say thats not a lot, and some shit about a low plateau or what ever but it fucked me up. It took me to the highest plateau I've ever been to. The highest I believe there is before death. I would actually hallucinate off of it and watch amazing visuals in front of me and hear music and people talking to me when I was in a quiet room by my self. It was an experience.
Also, everytime I've eaten a gram and a half it has lasted for 2 and a half
days. The second day I hate and the third I just have to drink or smoke out
'cause I can't stand the feeling anymore. I did sell 10 grams of the DXM and
with the last 10 I traded them for a bottle of Vicodins cause I realized was
exactly where I had used to be and couldn't stand the idea. And now I'm tired of
writing. There are a lot of individual experiences that I would love to tell
about but right now I'm stoned and don't feel like writing for a while.
Exclusive by gravol
Introduction For ages psychedelics have been used to reach altered states of
consciousness, tap into enlightenment, explore the mind and universe, and to
help the individual evolve into a greater-knowing entity. However, just like
with any beneficial tool, there is a darker side, and this story is full of
antagonists and villains.
The United States government and other governments are deemed to be the biggest hindrance to psychedelic drugs and their users. As of late, the government has been launching a crusade against hallucinogens and research chemicals (and mostly out of the public eye) that has not been seen since the late 60's and early 70's. With the advent of the Internet, a new generation of psychedelics came into the scene, along with many new voices to be heard and many new ideas from their users. As being a DXM user myself, and a user of other hallucinogens, I've seen a lot of substances come and go over the years - even though they probably would not have become widely known to the psychedelic community if it weren't for the Internet and our freedom of speech. It was also the Internet that led to their downfall, so it is a paradoxical scenario.
After GHB use soared from kits available on the Internet in the 90's, the DEA took greater notice of such sites that market legal or quasi-legal chemicals and have launched a front on the eradication of those sites and research chemicals. And since the majority of these research specimens available on the Internet are psychedelics, it is no great surprise that the government is targeting such substances and their suppliers. However, since most of these are legal, the DEA has to go out of its way to propose scheduling and must approach their tactics in a different way. Nowadays, if a new research chemical surfaces on the 'Net, some savvy politician seizes the opportunity to propose legislation against it.
The legislation proposed by Rep. Joe Baca (D-Calif.
34th ) And Grace Nepalitano (D-CA 42nd), is a perfect
example. A bill (HR 5607) was introduced on October 10, 2002, by these two
representatives calling for the immediate scheduling of the Mazatec ceremonial
plant Salvia divinorum ("Diviner's Sage") and its active principle
Salvinorin-A. In fact, Republicans are no more prone to attack psychedelic use
than Democrats. Salvia divinorum has been used for centuries without incident
and hardly a mention in the public spotlight. After the Internet appeared, many
people learned about it and wished to try it (which is certainly a good thing)
and learn from its psychoactive insights; however, this caught the attention of
the American media, which of course is largely run by capitalists and large
corporations, and Salvia was in the national spotlight for the first time ever
and already being compared to LSD by ABC News. Shortly thereafter, legislation
was proposed by Baca and Nepalitano, both Californian Democrats, to schedule
this plant. The media is indeed more to blame than the Internet, but since they
are all connected in one way or another, this situation probably could not have
been averted, except by the lack of selling it or advertising its use on the
Internet. This was a perfect example of the government stepping in to make a
plant or substance illicit without fully reviewing the threat to public safety.
In my opinion the government is fearful of psychedelics because they promote
enlightened thinking, which can in effect be dangerous for certain traditions
and national institutions of thinking. Since the government couldn't reap the
benefits they wanted to from drugs like LSD, they made the decision for
us that it should be illegal and punishable by
severe circumstances for those who possess and uses it. But times have changed
from the 1960's and the Internet is now the new front in the War on Psychedelic
The First Casualties -
BZP, TMFPP, and 2-CT-7 It took several years for the current situation to develop; it did
not just happen overnight. And now, in the 21st century, the
government is taking action against Internet research chemicals. The first
casualties were benzylpiperazine (BZP), a piperazine that acts as a stimulant;
3-trifluoromethylphenylpiperazine mono-hydrochloride (TMFPP), also a piperazine
and CNS stimulant; and 2,5-dimethoxy-4-(n)-propylthio-phenethylamine (2-CT-7,
"Blue Mystic"), a phenethylamine. This occurred on July 18, 2002, with an
emergency scheduling issued by the DEA, resulting in these three substances
being placed in the Schedule-I category (no medical use). This scheduling was
kept out of the public spotlight and American media. And now the same appears to
be happening with Salvia divinorum, a plant. However, unlike the
previous three, there appears to be more time to counter the DEA's effort to
schedule Salvia, considering the legislation has not yet passed.
So what is the future of psychedelics on the Internet and where or what is the next situation that will further restrict psychonauts' expression of free speech and use of these chemicals? The logical answer would be with the scheduling of the remaining popular research chemicals: 5-MeO-DMT, AMT, and company, which may or may not be all grouped together in such legislation. We may reach even a point that the DEA has restricted and made illegal most, if not all, tryptamines and phenethylamines that were once widely available on the 'Net. This would be a true shame since the public threat of such substances is very minute, especially with Salvia. And what would they do after that? Possibly further restrict DXM and and replacing it with a new cough suppressant or one already available but more ineffective in suppressing the cough reflex.
This is a possibility that must always be considered, especially now that the
government has started acting against such chemicals. If any stand is to take
place, it would occur in the psychedelic drug community - these are the most
perceptive, intellectual drug users, of all groups, and the most active. For
instance, there is no Cocaine 'Zine or GHB 'Zine. But in order
to make change occur within our lifetime, extraordinary things would have to be
accomplished by extraordinary people. We are already planting the seeds of
change by uniting on the Internet and openly discussing ideas and creating
forums in which ideas can transform into action. In the end it's probably going
to boil down to a few individuals or even a
spokesperson, like Timothy Leary was of the LSD movement. After all, a cause
without a leader is a mute cause.
The Future of Research Chemicals
For the time being, tryptamines and other psychedelics may be
available, but not for long as we see it - it is even highly recommended that a
stockpiling of these chemicals take place for personal use (in the same way that
people are stockpiling food and other necessities in apprehension of a nuclear
confrontation). You may never have an opportunity like this again to experience
the many wonderful insights that these substances have to offer. They should not
even be viewed as chemicals, but as life-changing tools and gems of
enlightenment that transcend the stigma of drugs themselves, and that is what
makes them such precious gems of consciousness.
So what can one do at this point besides keep a personal stash of
soon-to-become extinct psychedelics? The answer is involvement in the
psychedelic drug community and to make your voice heard! Whether it be running a
forum, supporting a cause, exchanging ideas, or submitting articles to
publications such as this, you are all making a difference and history at some
point will look back upon us as the trend-setters of the psychedelic movement of
the 21st century. It is time to stand up for your freedom of expression and be a part of an ever-evolving
community. Only then can we begin to make a difference.
The Future of DXM in the
21st Century We are beginning to see pioneers emerge in this brave
new time that will bring us to the forefront of many new and exciting realms.
This 'zine cannot express how happy we are in the emergence of DXM derivatives
like iodo-DXM and bromo-DXM. And since these
chemicals are structurally unlike any other, besides DXM itself, they cannot be
made illicit without specific legislation mentioning them by name. In other
words, the 1986 Analogue Act would not apply. And in order for that to
happen, DXM itself would have to be cast in the national spotlight, and use will
skyrocket, and this would be bad for both the government and the future of DXM
itself. That is why it is important to keep DXM from gaining such popularity,
and why we make such an emphasis in reporting the latest abuse trends from
around the world. But any way you slice the proverbial pie, the legislation of
DXM is coming, just as Salvia was brought from obscure Mexican fields into the
national and international spotlight. But this is where all predictions of what may happen after that stop; nobody
knows what could happen beyond that point, except for increased abuse and
possible restrictions on further marketing of DXM over-the-counter products.
DXM is evolving in more than just a negative way, however. It is being researched and promoted by several pharmaceutical giants like Pfizer and Avanir, and many people will soon be taking it as a prescription to counter neurological pain and side effects from disorders like Parkinson's, Lou Gherig's Disease (ALS), and multiple sclerosis (MS), so we do not foresee the scheduling of DXM into Class-1. If DXM is replaced by another cough suppressant, it will most likely be classified as a Schedule-IV or V substance, with V being the same as codeine today in that it can be bought without a prescription in some areas for colds in limited quantity.
We are riding the crest of an exciting wave in which entire
populations will be brought into a new realm of thinking, expression, and
enlightenment. Nobody has ever thought they'd find enlightenment in a bottle of
cough syrup, just as nobody could comprehend the World Trade center falling to
rubble and the Pentagon behind attacked by a jumbo jet. What the 21st
century is showing is that the impossible is quickly becoming the possible, the
norm, and we as a society will have to face what is coming to us, whether it be
positive or negative, as a whole in order to survive. And we will
What You Can Do About
The Salvia
The Center for Cognitive Liberty and Ethics (CCLE) has set
up the Entheogens and Drug Policy Project and a Salvia divinorum Action Center.
The website is http://www.cognitiveliberty.org/dll/salvia_divinorum_action
_center.htm They list the following things you can do to help the movement:
There are several online resources available that can be utilized and
information on contacting these representatives is also listed on their website:
by Igor Never has a phrase like Fear and
Loathing made so much sense to me as it did last weekend. You see, I don't do
drugs. I never had. Never even smoked weed. The only time I have ever been drunk
was on my 21st birthday. This is not to say, however, that I am unfamiliar to
the drug scene. In fact its familiarity is probably what kept me sober all these
A good friend of mine has been a Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide (DXM) addict for a few years now and he has spend much of that time trying to convince me that I should try DXM at least once. DXM is the active ingredient in cough syrup and can be found in pure powder. My friend orders the powder in bags of 50 grams over the Internet. DXM is legal and extremely powerful. An average dose is 500 mg's or about 15 times the amount in a dosage of cough syrup. DXM is usually of higher quality and has less of a chance to make you vomit. Anyway, I decided I would try it one day because some bizarre twist of reason.
Finally the time was right. My friend had just gotten a new shipment of DXM and my parents had decided to go out of town. So god damnit it was time to party. I had originally planed to only invite my friend over, but with him came his woman. This freaked me out to no end so I demanded some female companionship. I made some calls, but as the drug had already began to take hold I had some trouble convincing girls to come visit me. On top of this, I have put on some weight, no doubt the result of some horrible fit of depression where I do nothing but eat and sleep. Anyway, some people showed up just as I began to have some trouble walking. It was this weird sense of out of body paralysis. I mean I could trot around, and act reasonably normal, but at the same time I had no real control of my functions. I itched madly and feared that some horrible rash was spreading all over my body. I was assured that this was just a side effect of the drug and that if I took more it would go away. I knew that they were probably lying, but who was I to argue. I took the second pill, another 500 mg's.
The rash did go away, but it seemed by now time had stopped. It had been just over an hour since I had taken the first pill and I seemed to be quite twisted. I had a horrible realization that the drug hadn't even started peaking yet and I had already ingested the second pill. I was told it would take serious hold of me in about 2 hours. It was 10 o'clock.
I had been reading Hunter Thompson's Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail that morning and I decided I had to call Mr. Thompson immediately. It was god damned important. Every word I said was brilliant to me, and it seemed calling Thompson was the greatest idea ever dreamed up. In retrospect, this idea was absolutely ludicrous, but who am I to fight the power of such a drug as DXM.
I called information: "I need to speak to Hunter S. Thompson in Seattle, Washington!" No such luck. There were no Hunter Thompson's in Seattle. This probably had something to do with the fact that Mr. Thompson lives in an entirely different state. I don't know why I tried Seattle, but it was the thing to do at the time. A second call to the operator... "Hunter S. Thompson... Aspen, CO. It's damned important!" "We are sorry, sir, but that number is unlisted." Click. Those swine! I had to reach Thompson and explain to him how much guff these fiends were giving me!
After what seemed like
hours I had finally gotten the number of information in Aspen. I was mad as hell
and on a mission. I screamed into the phone "GOD DAMNIT WOMAN! I NEED YOUR
HELP!! My good friend
Hunter Thompson is some where outside of Aspen and I need to speak to him at
once! It is of dire consequences that I speak to him!"
"Sorry.", she tells me, "That number is unlisted." "But I need it! I found his wallet!" "Okay then, what is his address..." Click. Foiled again... there had to be away to get through to this man. I called back, this time demanding to speak to a supervisor. "Damn this telephone bureaucracy! This red tape is maddening, just give me the fucking number!"
"Sir what is your name?" "Raul Duke!" I cried. "And your number?" In my intoxicated state, I gave him the number and then explained that it was my parents phone and gave them my dad's name. The fascists, they would be on to me! They had gotten my information, the police would be on to me! Fuck! I should have never given them anything other than name, number and rank! I was doomed. However, instead of calling the cops, the supervisor told me that he would personally call Mr. Thompson and tell him of my emergency. I hung up. I was ecstatic. I turned to my friends and explained that Thompson would be calling me any second. Thompson would understand my problems and sort everything out.
By that time my house was crawling with people. Many of them girls who I believed were there only to pleasure me. As I would soon realize, this was not the case. I spent some time hitting on a punk rock chick named Miranda. I concluded that her boyfriend was a raver and needed to be "stomped" by us punk rockers. I went up stairs and changed into what I thought was my steel toed "punk rock" boots. I came down wearing one steel toe, and one cowboy boot. Instead of being intimidated of me, everyone just laughed. She wasn't really all about stomping her boyfriend anyway. It was probably a mistake, because moments later the bastard surprised me with a kick to my skull. God damned pinko swine.
None of this really mattered
though, my main concerns were making out with a girl and making sure my house
was not destroyed. This was a difficult thing to do. It seemed to me that every
little thing was a horrible tragedy. This was the paranoia setting in. To
counter act this I was given a line of ketamine (K). Being as I don't do drugs I
was not happy do be snorting K, but I really had no choice, the drug had taken
hold. Before I could even stop my eyes from watering and my nose from running I
was in a different dimension. The problem with K is that it only lasts a short
time, but DXM delays time significantly. The combination led to 5 hours (in
reality about 2) of hitting myself in the face because it was so damned
exciting. Lifting my arm was a great achievement. Before I knew it I was giving
Naziesque salutes to everyone in site and stomping about like some demented
robot. I stumbled up my stairs to change out of these god forsaken boots and put
on my straight edge t-shirt. It said in big bold letters on the back, DRUGS ARE
FOR LOSERS. This seems ironic and funny now, but at the time, I had to show them
that this was all a mistake and that I was not a drug user and that I wanted no
part of what was happening to me. What awful things had they given me. I knew I
was a dead man, and I wanted the cops to make sure who was at fault. "Not me
officer, I am straight edge, these commies drugged me and destroyed my house!"
The fear was beginning to develop. After doing another line of K I had begun to settle down. The K was gone from my system and I was mad that I could still see. I had been told that DXM would put me in some sort of other world and I would have no idea what was going on. I wanted to reach this new dimension. Had I known what was in store for me it wouldn't have been so easy for them to convince me to take another pill. At this point it was probably midnight. The first pill was going strong and the second was just about to peak. God knows what a third pill would do to me. 1500 mg's. The next 4 hours were a complete blur. I remember going down in to my basement and sitting on the couch. Then BAM! I was in another universe.
I was in the deepest pits of hell. Nothing made sense. The most real and fantastic nightmare was upon me. I wanted out. All I could do was sit there and watch myself boil. I was dead. I knew the cops would arrest me, I knew I was destroying my life, I knew my house was going to be burned to the ground. Horror was all around me. The fear and loathing was at an all time high. My life was so foul and terrifying that I wanted to kill myself just to make the damned trip end. I would have done it to, only every time I stood up and tried to get a hold on reality I fell over and back in to a nightmare. From the outside my friends could tell nothing. All they could see was me sitting there, eyes open with a terrified look on my face. Every now and then I would talk about killing myself or getting up. I just wanted everyone to leave, so I could go to sleep and escape this misery.
3 hours later I woke up, half naked in my bed.
Driven By Boredom stickers were all over me,
on my chest, my sock, the back of my shirt. I had no idea what had happened or
where I was. It was 4 am and everything in my body was numb. My friend came into
my room when he heard me fall over and knock everything over in my room. He
decided he would stay the night and that everyone but him and his girl were
gone. It was probably for the best. I actually dove in to bed and spent the next
several hours flopping around, trying to get to sleep. Every time I closed my
eyes I saw amazing light shows inside my head. It felt so weird to contort my
body in to every shape imaginable. I was like a god damned dolphin performing
tricks at Sea World. It would have been fun, but I was too tired to enjoy it. I
just wanted to sleep, but my body wouldn't have it. The loathing was fierce.
1 PM: I was standing up in my room. I have no idea how I woke up, but my friend was standing there to asking me if I wanted some waffles for breakfast. "YOU MOTHER FUCKER! GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE! DIE YOU FIEND! YOU COCK SUCKER!!" I am sure my string of vulgarities continued in the the morning, but I can't really remember. He ignored me and went on to cook himself breakfast.
5 PM: I finally woke up, still numb all over. I had trouble remembering things and had no feeling in my right arm till about 9 o'clock that night. My harrowing experience was essentially over, but there were some things to clear up. Hunter Thompson never called and I never made out with any girls. Evidently in those missing few hours my friends did everything from punching me in the face to building a fort around me. I spent some time that evening laying in a closet, but I have no recollection of why I was in there. I wouldn't respond to anything so they just tortured me and finally got bored and left. Two of my friends carried me up to my bed. At one point I fell on the floor and started swimming towards the stairs. How I got naked is unknown. Another mystery is the disappearance of my wallet. I believe someone stole it, but everyone else seems to think I lost it in some drug induced rage. I just don't know. I do know, however, that if I find the fucker who did it, I will light the mother fucker on fire.
6 PM: The phone rang. A husky voice said "This is Hunter S. Thompson, what was so god damned important that you had the operator wake me up in the middle of the night?"
by SMP Wow, DXM is an experience I will never forget. I've done acid
and other drugs before but I've never been through something so intense
in my life. Me and 2 other friends, Jen and Candice, decided we wanted to go to
the movies and Trip, well LSD was not available that day for us to obtain, so we
decided we were gonna do a 'robo trip' instead. We walked down to a local drug
store and bought 3 bottles of Robitussin Max. Strength cough syrup (1 bottle per
person) making sure the active ingredient was DXM. I had done a robo trip once
before but I was only able to consume half a bottle (if even that) and then quit
drinking it due to the horrible taste, and nothing happened that 'trip'. Candice
had done robo trips before so she was the most experienced between the 3 of us
and Jen had never tripped on anything.
We get to the movies early so that we are the first ones in the theater and we can drink our cough syrup alone. Getting this stuff down was not easy at all! Ugh it was horrible but we all managed to get a whole bottle down our throats. From what I've read from other experiences, it takes about an hour to hit you... Well not ours, we drank the bottle at about 2:30 PM and it hit us about 10 minutes later. It came on as feeling really drunk and our bodies started getting numb. Me and Candice thought it was the coolest thing in the world but Jen was just feeling really sick. When we got up and walked around it felt like we were heavily intoxicated and when we went back to our seats in the theater I started seeing little visuals, like trails and color distortion but that's about it, and when I had to step down a step it looked like it was a 5 foot leap. Of course I laugh at everything so when I step off this step I fall flat on my face laughing, and during this point I'm thinking this is the Coolest thing in the world. I was wrong.
Jen started feeling really sick and asked us to walk her to the bathroom. We get to the bathroom and she tries to throw up the cough syrup to get it out of her system. Nothing comes up so we leave and as we walk back in the door of the movie she collapses against the wall and starts vomiting. After she's done getting rid of the cough syrup from her stomach onto the wall we leave the movie and sit in the hallway of the theater on a bench. Jen said she felt a lot better after that and Candice was having a blast with her numb body, and as for me I start to feel really tired and sick.
What I list next is all I remember and what my friends told me. I remember
sitting on the bench inside the theater and passing out, waking up in the corner
of the theater in my friends lap and them laughing at me and asking if I'm
feeling anything. I remember blacking out several time and what seemed Like 50
years was only about 1 minute. My body went completely numb and I could hear
myself asking questions like 'what time is it?' and 'am I dead yet?' but i
couldn't feel my mouth moving and right after I would ask that I would blank out
so I never remember asking it and I would ask those questions repeatedly every 2
minutes. Eventually I woke up and puked in the movie theater and passed out
again and my friend said they started getting really scared when I kept asking
'am U dead yet?', 'am I gonna die?', 'Please, don't let me die' and 'you cant
die on this stuff right, cause Im really scared' and people who worked at the
theater started getting suspicious so we had to leave
(but I don't remember them or my friends saying we had to leave)but I remember
passing out again and Candice and Jen trying to pick me up and carry my lifeless
body outside the theater.
Candice later told me after the trip when she tried to pick me she couldn't feel my muscles at all and it felt exactly like pulling on a dead body. So when we got outside I guess they put me on a bench outside and I passed out and when I awoke Jen nor Candice were near me, and I was screaming their name and eventually they ran over to me and I told them to stay with me the rest of the time until we left. Candice got really scared cause I was saying scarey shit and talking about death, that she called her parents and told them what we had done and to come pick us up.
Here's where shit gets really bad and I will NEVER forget this! I remember lying
on the bench and couldn't feel ANYTHING, I was just lying there with my eyes
open, I couldn't feel myself breathing, Blinking, talking, etc... and I kept
saying am I dead yet? but I couldn't feel my mouth moving. I felt like my soul
was trapped inside my dead body and I was looking out and I saw the paramedics
come, my parents come, and a crowd of people around me and I heard the
paramedic's say 'She isn't going to make it' and them rush me to the hospital
and I saw myself in the stretcher, hooked up to all these tubes and then the
doctor say 'we're sorry but your daughter is dead' and then I saw my funeral. It
was so real and so scary but of
course all of this was a VERY intense dream and I didn't want to die of
stupidity from a drug over dose, and especially from drinking something as
stupid as cough syrup.
So I saw my family and friends all around my grave and me in a coffin. Then I come back to being a soul in a dead body at the movies, looking out at the world as I lie here dead. Then the most unbelievable thing that has ever happened to me happened and who ever reads this is gonna think Im on crack but I swear a light shown down on me and I swear it was God (and I never believed in god until that happened) and my lifeless body came back to life and came back to reality. By that time Candice's dad finally got there after I have already died, been to the hospital, and had a funeral, but he managed to get there and I fell asleep in the car and woke up in their driveway puking and her parents screaming at us and by now Im just really drunk, and have come way down off my trip and 7:30 is when I was able to talk somewhat normal but all in all it ended at about 9:00 PM.
In conclusion, It was scary as hell and I didn't really go into too much
detail about how bad the black outs were but there are no words that can
describe how bad it was and hopefully no one will ever experience a trip like I
had. I honestly thought I was either going to eie or I was gonna be permanently
screwed up the rest of my life, and my friends thought the same thing. The next
morning I felt EXCELLENT, Jen felt hungover, and Candice felt like complete ass.
I personally will never do this ever again, but I don't regret it and I think it
was an experience well learned and it was way to intense for comfort. Certainly
doing in a public place like a movie theater was a BIG mistake. STAYING HEALTHY WITH
Staff Writer James Clayton Roberts [[email protected]]
An inevitable result of chronic or acute drug use is a
deterioration of mental function. Thus, I will attempt to explain how this may
be avoided, or remedied. I must state now that this article is not to be
construed as my giving medical advice. Please consult your doctor before taking
any kind of drug, prescription or otherwise.
There is a class of chemical drugs called nootropics, also referred to as "smart pills." These act by various means. Centrophenoxine eliminates protein tangles, a kind of plaque, from the brain. In combination with a chemical called diemthylaminoethanol, centrophenoxine is sold as a preparation called Lucidril. One must order from outside the United States to obtain Lucidril, however, the components are available in the states separately. Centrophenoxine is sold by a company, not for ingestion, but as a "research chemical". The URL for that company is http://www.omegafinechemicals.com/. I can not advocate, legally, that anyone purchase this chemical for ingestion.
Dimethylaminoethanol, also called DMAE, can be had from American suppliers on the web, or at health food and supplement stores. DMAE is what is known as an acetylcholine precursor. Acetylcholine is a neuro-transmitter, a chemical used by the nervous system to transmit nerve impulses, information. Other types of nootropics include hydergeine, galantamine, and MegaMind, a product of Source Naturals, that includes DMAE as well as chemicals that are known as catecholamine precursors, which are also associated with enhanced mental function.
The importance of nutrition can not be over emphasized. The
present RDAs (Recommended Daily Allowances) are laughable, and should be revised
WAY up. I have had lots of experience over a long period of time with recreational drugs, and with nootropics. So, in essence,
take your vitamins, minerals (best get the brands not available in grocery
stores), and nootropics. Nootropics have allowed me not only to maintain healthy
mental and other neuro function during times I have used drugs of recreation,
but also to increase my intelligence, memory retention and recall, reflexes,
physical stamina, and I believe it has enhanced my hearing and vision. A few
others I wanted to mention are: Niacin (Vitamin B3) and N-Acetyl Cysteine. Not
only do these two enhance mental function, but they also help to keep one
Another way to reverse drug-induced decreasements in the ability to use your brain is Cranioelectrical stimulation, or CES. This involves a low-level electrical signal or signals applied to the human head. I have used several different versions of CES, and am pleased with it.
More information can be had, and questions asked, about nootropics at the smartdrugs yahoo group,
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/smartdrugs (you will have to join to ask questions or read the message archives). You can search the message archives for the word "patent" which will bring up a great deal of information. The same goes for CES at mind-l: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mind-1. You don't have to join mind-l to read messages, but you do to ask questions.
You will need a yahoo e-mail address to join, but that doesn't cost anything but 10 to 15 minutes of your time. The reason I wrote this article is that, although there are a lot of scientific studies and government propaganda, some true, some false, about DXM and other drugs, I haven't seen much info on drug sites about how to undo or prevent damage. We all have known someone at some time or another whose brain doesn't function well because of drug use. The above is a start.
A few last notes:
©2003 The DXM Zine